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Monday, December 31, 2012


I haven't written a post for so long.... So here I am.

Long over due.

On the last day of 2012.

I look back on this year and realize how quickly life goes by.

One year ago I wrote a post hoping that 2012 would be a better year then 2011. I can honestly say... My wishful thoughts came true.

From getting that acceptance letter to graduate school, traveling all over Europe, moving to California, starting my first BIG girl job, meeting some amazing new people, and realizing who/what matters.

2012 was incredible.

I feel like this past year has taught me to value my blessings, the people who love me, and most importantly myself.

The biggest realization I had the past few months is that I am capable of achieving anything in my life.

If I work hard enough for it, make good choices, and surround myself with the right people.

Through the challenges of realizing my "best friend" wasn't truly ever a friend and coming to the decision that my life would be better without her, to understanding that it was time to close the chapter involving my first love, moving away, balancing school, work, and a social life, and meeting some amazing people that have shown me unconditional friendship and love.

 I have really come to understand how STRONG I am and learned to value myself.

Looking back on my past- it's hard for me to believe how concerned I was about things that dont even matter.

I never realized that my path would lead me to a place like this- A place of inner peace.

Knowing that everything that I am doing in my life and the choices I have made have been right. Difficult at times... yes. Stressful at times... hell ya.

But... RIGHT.

I cant describe the feeling that I get when I realize all that I have been able to accomplish in this past year- and honestly I dont even care if it sounds "cocky" to say that I am proud of myself.

Because I am.

I understand that I have a lot of learning, growing, and challenges up ahead. Life's never easy and growing never stops.

No doubt there will be times I loose myself again and feel insecure or lost.

However, in those moments I hope- I remember this feeling. The feeling of empowerment that I have felt these last few months.

Also, it is my wish for everyone.... To stop and take a moment and realize that they can do anything they wish in life.

Never to settle for "good" but always strive for the best. Stop letting the wrong people affect you and figure out who the right ones are.

Because as soon as you take responsibility and control- things begin to fall into place and somehow... you begin to realize the meaning and purpose "YOU" have in this crazy experience we can "life."

2012 I leave you with my soul at ease and my heart warm- this has been one monumental year.

2013.... Bring it on baby.

 Here are some highlights of the past few months:

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