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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Its funny how things work out, isn't it? Do you ever think about how if ONE moment in your past had gone differently? What if? Would everything be different? Would you be the person that you are today? Would things be better or worse? Questions like this have been running in and out of my mind constantly the last few days. Looking back on how everything has happened... Every bad and good thing has fit together like a puzzle piece, bringing me one step closer to the place I am right now... and to the person that I eventually will be. Each moment of my life has shaped some part of who I am. Each experience, friend, love, laugh, cry, and heartbreak has molded me slowly from a young and naive child into a wiser and more mature adult. Today I feel like I have discovered something. Discovered how life consists of a chain of events that in the end all make sense. Some of the events are so hard and painful it feels almost unbearable. Being heartbroken, learning someone you love has cancer, feeling betrayed, being lost and alone. And some events are so blissful and amazing that it feels like you are standing on a cloud. Love, travelling, laying in bed with your best friends laughing about nothing, and realizing that you CAN make a difference. I feel like today I discovered the reason these things happen... To make us grow and realize that the purpose of the negative things and the positive things in life, and in the end to be completely content with both. To love the bad things that happen to us, because they shaped us into the GOOD people that we are today, because the lessons they each us make us strong, and because they made us learn and grow. To love the good moments because they make us see how lucky we are to have been given the chance to live, to feel love and happiness, to meet and make friends and lovers. The hard part about the positive things in life is that we all know that at some point they will end... and that no matter if we like it or not there probably will be more negative things that happen to us, eventually. Fear of the unknown, fear of pain, and fear of loss, all are so unfortunate. Honestly, as of this moment I am in a wonderful place in my life. I am happy, content, and balanced. I also am ok with accepting that I might not ALWAYS feel this way. I know that I am about to face a very difficult year... dealing with the possibility of death in my family, loss of friends, and uncertainty. I also know that I will make it through it, and I will probably come out being a even stronger person then I am right now. I know that I have to say goodbye to the cloud I am living on right now, and let myself come back to reality. But I also know that I have more clouds waiting for me in the future... More bliss, more love, more happiness. So as I sit back and let my life unfold... I hold the knowledge and faith that each moment is bringing me closer to the place that I am supposed to be.

Thank you 818.

4 days till im back in the 801.

My best friend, and my big sister. I love you Ash... Thanks for everything you have taught me this year/

Some of the amazing people I have met here.

New Port beach= my destiny (I hope)

This is Sanj being super happy... (and drunk)

Thank you Leanna... you understand me better then ANYONE. You will always be one of my best friends! I love you!!!

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