Each one was eye opening, some in a good way... others not so much.
The first, unfortunately, was a reoccurring reality check. You think
This reality check made me ask myself the question that none of us want to ask, "how the hell are you so stupid, Sandra?! Didn't you learn anything?".
You would think that I have learned that relationships are a TWO way street. I seemed to have thought I mastered this concept also... Guess not.
It hit me the last few weeks: No matter HOW bad you want someone in your life. They will only be there if they WANT to be there, just AS BAD or MORE then you want them there.
You can force it.
You just have to accept it, and move on.
If they aren't fighting to be with you, you shouldn't be fighting to be with them.
You are much better off fighting for the people that are putting in a effort to be apart of your life, and doing whatever it takes; for you to be apart of theirs. They are the ones who truly LOVE and care about you.
Thank god; I got hit with that one... (again)
Second, I remembered how important health is.
It is true, if you don't have health... you don't have ANYTHING.
Watching my mom go through heart surgery, and get a
And, seeing how much the dynamic of my family has changed in the last year; all due to health issues, really opened my eyes to how important it is to take care of yourself.
Cancer, heart disease, anxiety attacks... All of these things can be either
Exercising, eating healthy, relaxing, catching up on sleep....
Watching my family go from perfect... to a completely disorganized, depressed, mess... was not what I was expecting, to happen... just because of health issues.
Even though it has been the hardest year of my life, I have learned a very crucial lesson from all of this.
Appreciate my body, appreciate
This reality check was the
Third, I was forced to remember that I have a limit.
I always bite off more then I can chew, because I want to push myself to be a
This unfortunately has come with many negative consequences.
Instead of giving my all to something, I can only give it
I realized that I need to take a step back. And re-evaluate what I am capable of handling.
Just because I cant do EVERYTHING... Doesn't mean that I am
I try so hard to be perfect, and to do everything that I can to make sure that I live my life according to my highest expectations.
I never thought I would
This reality check taught me that I need to: Take a step back, inhale... exhale, and handle ONE thing at a time...
Quality is better then quantity. And I haven't been doing quality work, because I have been doing a quantity of it.
This reality check was a blessing in
Needless to say, this last month has not been smooth sailing.
It has been one
But, somehow I have survived.
Yes, there have been sleepless nights, tears, constant looking at my cell phone (waiting for a text or a call that never came), neck cramps due to stress, hospital visits, and
However, I have learned and grown from each of these things. I have been forced to re-evaluate many things in my life, and been
So thank you. Thank you LIFE for challenging me... and thank you for making me realize what is-and what is not
Thank you for bringing me back to reality.
Take a moment, take a breathe, stop.... and think.