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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Give Thanks.

Thanksgiving is a day to take a moment and appreciate all that we have been blessed with in our lives.

I have been fortunate enough to have an amazing family that pushes me to challenge myself and never settle for less then I believe I deserve.

They have given me endless opportunities by helping do incredible things like travel the world, move to California, figure skate.

There was never a door that was shut to me... My mom and dad have worked hard to make sure that I am never denied the chance to learn, grow, and capture all that I can.

My dad works very hard in order to provide me with all of the things that I have, and I am so thankful for that. He leaves for work at 7 am and comes home at 6:30 and then goes upstairs and works more. Sometimes I forget how much he does in order to ensure that his family is taken care of. I hope he realizes that we all are so appreciative for what he does for us.

My mom pushes me every single day to reach beyond my limits and put my best foot forward. With out her persistence I would have missed many valuable life changing lessons. She is the strongest woman that I know. She has shown me that if you stick to something that you will get results, and that no matter how difficult a situation is that you must be strong through it.

My grandma Zoya, even though she is not here anymore, she has made me strive to be better. Not one person can say a bad thing about her. I want to become the type of woman that she was. I feel her love for me every single day. Each time I look at a picture of her my heart yearns for her. I miss her laugh, her cooking, her hand, her smile... I miss everything. But I am working to keep her alive through myself... and live my life the way that she lived hers. Loving other people more then she loved herself.

My friends also provide me with such incredible support and love, that sometimes I dont feel like I deserve it.

There have been a few people that have changed my perspective on life SO much and made me into such a better person.

Sadly, some of them live too far away from me now and I miss their presence in my life EVERY single day.

Ashley Dunn, she has been the most inspiring person I have ever had in my life. Last year she became like a older sister to me. She has shown me what someone can achieve on their own if they work hard enough. Watching how much she has done in her life... and how much respect, beauty, and love other people see in her is absolutely incredible. She is my role model, my best friend, part of my family, and someone that has affected me in such a way... that NO one else will ever understand.

Leanna Marshall, this girl is the most kind, motivated, loving, caring person I have ever met. She can carry on a conversation with anyone about anything. From her I learned to be a more accepting and open person. Our friendship grew so fast, and became one of the strongest that I have ever had. She stood next to me and grew with me throughout last year. Each day I think about the time we spent together and how much fun I had with her every single time I was around her.

Lisa, Carly, Steven, Even though I dont get to see them as often as I should, I know that they will always be friends to me. Meeting Lisa and Carly in Europe changed my entire life. I was so lucky to meet people that are so open minded, welcoming, and loyal to their friends. Each time that I am around them and Steven I feel like I have known them for years, and our friendship has lasted longer then it really has. I miss them all of the time and I cant wait to live near them.... I know we have many years of friendship ahead of us, and many crazy adventures.

Alex Ray, he has been the most important boy in my life. For 8 years he has been my best friend, my first love, my everything. We had a very rough patch in our relationship and we both hurt each other a lot... but the past two years he has done everything in his power to make sure that I am happy and show me how much he loves me. Sometimes I take the things that he does for me for granted... He has provided me with the biggest, hardest, and most meaningful lessons in life. He has become a part of who I am, and I love him in every way that a person can love someone.

Angie Fishler, she has been in my life the longest out of any of my friends. We had so many first experiences together that I cant even think of. We have laughed till tears, cried, fought, made up, thrown up... you NAME it. We have done it. She has been the most consistent person in my life and her motivation, her intelligence, and her drive make her such a inspiration to me. She is the smartest most motivated person that I know... and she is going to do incredible things with her life.

Kelly SaBey, she is the strongest, most thick-skinned. motived, persistent women I have ever met. Sometimes when I am talking to her I don't understand what she is saying because she has such an complex vocabulary. Kelly has shown me how much respect people have for you if you are educated and you speak your mind. I have learned so much from her in a short period of time. Even though she has such a strong and outspoken personality she is also one of the most giving people I have ever met. She will help you in any way possible with out expecting anything in return. I look up to her so much and wish that I can someday hold the presence that she does in a room.

Aubri, Rachel, Kylee, Becca, These girls have been my best friends since 8th grade. We had so many times together driving around in Ky's truck with the windows rolled down bumpin country music beats and singing our lungs out. I have experienced the true depth of friendship with all of these girls. They have seen me at my worst, my best, and in between. With out them I wouldnt be who I am. I am so thankful for each of them and all that I have learned from them

Rachel, Joey, Ashley  My loves that I met in Israel this Aug. I cant even describe to you how fast we all became best friends. It feel like I have known them my entire life. Each one of them is so amazing, I dont even know where to start. Joey is one of the kindness, giving, loving, cuddly people I have ever met. I never heard her say a bad thing about ANYONE. She always looks for the best in people... and gives people her best. Rachel is one of the most down to earth, real, and honest people in my life. I could talk to her about anything after a few days of knowing her. When I found out my grandma died I wanted her next to me. I know she is going to be one of my closest friends for the rest of my life. Ashley is the most open, funny, enthusiastic people I have ever met. She is so funny, talkative, and caring. I feel like she cares about me and my friendship more then some people who I have know for my entire life. I miss her and her beautiful curly hair and bubbly personality, I cant wait to see all of them again.

I am thankful. I am happy. I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to YOU too!! I love you sanj and am so incredibly grateful for you in my life. Thanks for being you, and making ME who I am. I'm so excited for our adventures to come. Love you beavus :)
