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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Dare to be different.

It is kind of hard to do; especially when you grow up in a society that encourages you to do otherwise.

How easy is it to follow the norm?

I mean we all follow the same trends, watch the same shows, listen to the same music. Get it?

I spent a good portion of my life trying to be "normal".

Wanting blonde hair, skinny legs, blue eyes, friends, a nice car, cute clothes, the "right music"... Basically if EVERYONE else had it.... I wanted it.

Back then I thought that being different was the worst possible thing that could have happend to me.

Unfortunately, being the only Jewish girl with two Russian immigrants as parents didnt exactly put me into the catagory of "normal".


I did all that I could to make myself... fit.

Tried the blonde hair, epic fail.

Had the right clothes, oh Abercrombie... How you robbed my 13 year old savings account.

Yes even the eye color, blue contacts on a dark Jewish girl=dont try it.

How silly was I?

Different is not bad.

Different is lasting. Different makes a impression. Different is enticing.

One of the most meaningful things someone ever said to me was, "Who are you...Like really where do you come from?"

How is that meaningful?

It is when it comes after the conversation we had just finished. I can confidently say it was a conversation that changed that persons life for the better.

They were shocked that I was able to get through to them how I did. That I said what they didnt want to hear... but needed to. And for once in a long time, they felt like someone wasnt bullshitting them.

I made this person cry that night... But no they were not tears of anger or sadness, but of realization.

I dare to be different by saying what I think. Embracing who I am. Doing what I feel is right.

People always tell me they cant tell what ethnic background I come from.... I literally have gotten every country, color, and race thrown at me.

They never guess right.

How cool is that? I get to keep them guessing....

I get to be different.

Learning to embrace myself was difficult.

It took a lot of money, time, effort, bad hair/fashion choices. But I finally figured out what works. Myself works just fine.

I started to get the compliments on my clothes, when I started wearing the things that I like.

I made the "right" friends, when I began acting how I wanted to act.

I became the best I could be, when I stopped trying to be anything.

Being different made me.

Do you dare to be different?

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