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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Roads Ahead.

Life is weird.

Cant think of a better way to describe it at this moment.

I feel like through all the twists and turns it leads you exactly to the place you are supposed to be.

People come. People go.

Some leave something worth remembering.... Some remind you the ones that do are rare and to cherish them.

Things seem cloudy and confusing at times.

Until the moment when the sun shines and your remember what its all about.

Here I am.

Back in California.

 In fact-only a few blocks from Lassen and Zelzah and that creepy old apartment building where I learned more about myself, life, friendship, love and pretty much anything else that one can learn.

Different, different then the girl who was here before.

I found myself, and lost myself.... JUST how I predicted I would (refer to 2011 blog posts)

 In many ways I was able to restructure myself in the right ways. I saw how I had become OVERLY materialistic last time I lived here. I saw what a TRUE friend looks like. I realized I often undervalue myself.

This time I was still scared and nervous moving here... Once again I had NO idea what to expect.

It was the same place, but, new people. New home. New program.

The difference was that.... This time I knew I could do it.

That something BIGGER, and BETTER is meant for me.

That I WILL change lives of people. I will do something that will LAST and that I CAN achieve EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I want.

My hard work PAID off.

Yes, I am the youngest person in my program by at least 2-3 years.

Yes, I still have no idea how to make anything other then oatmeal and a sandwhich.

Yes, I cried saying bye to my mom and dad.

Yes, I am completely and utterally terrified of whats to come....


I know ALL of it is right.

I trusted my gut. I followed the guidance of the people that truly love me and care about me.  I studied. I cried. I pushed myself.

Now the road ahead of me will lead me exactly where I need to be.

It will have hills, turns, and no doubt ill get lost a few times.

But its right here in front of me.

And I CANT wait to see where it takes me.

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