There are moments in life when you are forced to take a hard look at yourself, from the inside out.
Reflect on who you are, where you have been, and were you are going.
Are you the type of person that you want to be?
Have you done something meaningful?
Do you challenge yourself to be better?
These moments are sometimes full of realization, clarity, and reflection.
Often these are the times when we come to terms with the path our life has taken.
Other times they force us to realize that we need to make a drastic change.
Either way, in those few seconds that your mind wanders, heart races, and chest swells I believe you learn more about yourself then in the hours you spend doing “important” but insignificant things.
The last few days I have been stressed about work, constantly consumed with studying, and filled with uncertainty about my future.
Last night as I was talking to my best friend and remembering moments we shared, change we endured (and survived), and growth that we experienced.
I suddenly realized that the majority of the most important lessons have come from life. Not from a text book, a pay check, or running an errand.
The lessons that have mattered have been hidden in friendships, love, mistakes, concerts, trips…. Laughs and cries.
And have lead me to become a better person.
Those are the lessons that truly matter.
Those are the lessons that truly matter.
I understood in that moment that at the end of the story- we remember moments we shared, with the special people, places, and things in our lives.
More then likely… those special moments won’t be found in our text book or pay check.
They will be found in times when you “called in sick” but instead stayed in bed with the person you love. Concerts that caused you too miss class and spend the day in “recovery” mode. Or that spontaneous road trip that you went with your friends- which cost you that first minimum wage job.
Sometimes the most valuable lessons come from breaking all the expectations-and just living.
It hit me that I can not keep bringing the stress and worry from my job and school into my life.
By carrying it with me constantly- I have been ruining my own chance at living, being happy, and moving forward as a person.
Significant people, things, and experiences have taken a back burner to upholding a “social” standard-which at the end of the day doesn’t even matter.
Right now is my time. The start of MY life. The point of separation from my parent, friends, and home.
Instead of appreciating the time I have left with them and focusing on how I can be a better daughter, friend, lover… I have been consumed with “drama” at work and “expectations” to maintain straight A’s and getting into graduate school…
When in reality these things don’t even matter- while those people do and always will.
It hit me that I probably won’t remember one damn thing from any of my exams-by the end of the summer… Or actually probably right after I finish taking them, ill probably have even worse “drama” at work, and have even worse experiences with different managers, and that C in American history-might be masked by that A in my psychology class and my volunteer experiences that have helped others.
But someone I love can be lost in a moment to a accident or a disease. I might never get the chance to go to a place again… and there will be a time when I look back on my life and wish I had appreciated the people, opportunities, and things that matter just a bit more.
Basically, last night really brought forth a moment of realization and growth for me as a PERSON.
I don’t want to look back on my life and have ANY regrets.
For the first time in a long time… I feel like I really opened up my eyes and saw where my true priorities should lye
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